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Demos of Ducat and CEX for the University of Virginia


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What is CEX?

The Spec.

The API for a Scala library.

CEX, the CITE Exchange Format, is a plain-text, self-describing format for serializing data from a CITE library: texts, collections, data-models, and indices. It is equally useful for small data and very large data. The CITE Architecture includes (very well tested) code for ingesting CEX, among other things.

What About TEI?

CEX is a complement to TEI-XML. It should be entirely possible to move data back and forth between the two formats. TEI users might be interested in Thomas Köntges’ TEItoCEX tool.

Some Things You Can Do With CEX

Alignment, CEX, and DUCAT

DUCAT, the “Daughter of Ugarit Citation Alignment Tool” is a “single-page webapp” (that is, no back-end, just double-click the .html file and start working) that uses CEX to do citation alignment.

DUCAT is inspired by, and a follow-up to, Ugarit, the citation-alignment tool created by Maryam Foradi, Chiara Palladino, and Tariq Yousef at the University of Leipzig. Ugarit had specific goals. DUCAT’s are different.